
China and global “security”

Polonyi Péter

The old Chinese language did not differentiate between the concepts “world” and “China”. The Chinese referred to both with the same word “Tianxia”, “Under the sky”, because the Chinese knew only themselves as civilised people. Their perception or rather their experience made them think that their own living space coincided with the terrain of the civilised world. This idea was further strengthened by the circumstance, that in 221 B.C., one of the seven principalities, the westernmost Qin was the first to unite the country, the Chinese inhabited, eastern half of the present day’s People’s Republic of China. The thus united state of China with its more than 2000-year old history and strong recovering capacities, even with its occasional declines and falls is a unique phenomenon in the history of the world. Especially since none of the other great empires of the ancient world exists today.

tanulmány letöltése pdf formátumban

Globális folyamatok - a jövő kihívásai (tanulmánykötet)

Kapcsolódó anyagok

Tarrósy István: Kína Afrikára kacsint
Polonyi Péter: A magyarországi kínai kolónia problémáiról



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